Pour les chercheurs spirituels en déplacement, consultez nos ressources en ligne
An app for anyone who needs a break from all that doing and to enjoy just being for a little while. Explore our amazing tools that can help you relax, re-energise and be ready for life’s next adventure in a matter of minutes.
Inspired Stillness
A wide range of products to support your spiritual journey.
Learn Meditation
An easy-to-follow online meditation course suitable for anyone wanting to try meditation for the first time and also for regular meditators interested in exploring another meditation method.
Just a Minute
just-a-minute is all it takes to bring ourselves back to our natural state of inner peace and well-being. Learn to relax, refocus and re-energise in just one minute with ‘just-a-minute’ meditations. It is about becoming a powerful positive force in your own life. Give yourself just-a-minute to experience it now.
Essential Spirituality is a collection of 42 short videos intended to spark deeper reflection on the subtle inner terrain that holds the solutions for many outer maladies.
BK Environment Initiative
Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative is about awakening greater environmental awareness within our own organisation, as well as collaborating and learning from others through dialogue, partnerships, UN conferences and local initiatives.
BK at the United
The Brahma Kumaris strives always to promote awareness and highlight the great aspirations of the purpose and principles of the UN.
Awakening with Brahma Kumaris
Awakening with the Brahma Kumaris empowers people to take charge of their lives and awakens them to their pure inner assets.
Peace Village Retreat
There are spaces that touch the heart and soul in ways that you will not find anywhere else. Peace Village is a learning and retreat center that offers weekend retreats on a variety of topics where you can learn to meditate and study
Anubhuti Retreat
Anubhuti provides an environment of spiritual hospitality for people from all walks of life and of all faiths to explore spiritual values and inner strengths in a peaceful and nurturing atmosphere.
BK Canada
We have been serving communities in Canada for over 40 years. We offer classes in cities throughout Canada, inviting people from all backgrounds to explore meditation and the study of spiritual principles.
BK International
Brahma Kumaris is a worldwide spiritual movement dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal. Founded in India in 1937, Brahma Kumaris has spread to over 110 countries on all continents and has had an extensive impact in many sectors as an international NGO.