Spiritual Conversation Articles

Oasis of Peace
Oasis of Peace

An oasis is defined as a fertile spot in the desert where water is found. It is a haven for weary travelers looking for relief. Life in our busy world can leave us feeling just as parched. Can we find the oasis within? That still place inside us where we find rest and...

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Oasis of Peace

An oasis is defined as a fertile spot in the desert where water is found. It is a haven for weary travelers looking for relief. Life in our busy world can leave us feeling just as parched. Can we find the oasis within? That still place inside us where we find rest and...

Moods of Beauty

"Beauty has a mood for every need." Winston O. Abbott Beauty has so many moods that it can meet me as I am feeling today. As the seasons change, the beauty of summer's green transforms to the colours of autumn then a snowy landscape. Sometimes it is the smallest...

Micro-dose Hope

"Hope is a powerful antidote to despair. Right now, the thing that is helping the most is micro-dosing hope." Brene Brown Hope is not an emotion. It is a cognitive-behavioural process. It's about having an aim combined with a sense of personal agency to create a path...

Sacred Place in My Mind

Many sacred places in the world are located in isolated places. To go on a pilgrimage to visit these places involves effort, time and commitment. It is a common idea that we have to go somewhere special to find God, even when we know we can access the Divine through...

Living Diamond

A diamond is still a diamond, even when it is covered with dirt. The soul is like a diamond, a precious living being. Even covered with dirt from my journey through time, I am still a sparkling being of light. As I mature spiritually, I begin to understand the...