Uncategorized Articles

Love Myself
Love Myself

Don't make effort to be loved. Make effort to be detached and you will automatically be loved. When I try to win love from other people, I turn myself into a beggar. Treating myself as valuable and precious means I will take the time and space to nurture my inner well...

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Lens of Truth
Lens of Truth

When I cannot bear to see a weakness in myself, I suppress it or hide its existence. Then it buries inside me and becomes a blind spot. In spirituality, I develop the lens of truth to see hidden weaknesses as well as the beauty and virtue in me. Sometimes, my biggest...

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I Am
I Am

I am not a crocodile trying to become a flower. I am a flower... The crocodile form is just a costume. Self-realization is the key to self-transformation. It is a kind of spiritual magic that when I hold the awareness of who I really am, I begin to transform. A flower...

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Silence Heals
Silence Heals

Silence heals. Silence is like a mirror. Everything is clear. The mirror does not blame or criticize but helps me to see things as they are, providing a diagnosis to release me from all types of wrong thinking. How does silence do this? Silence revives the original...

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Mood Restore

When my mood changes I pull myself away from people so I can be alone. Paradoxically, without noticing, my mood changed BECAUSE I was already alone. I had let my mind step away from the close companionship of my highest self and from my connection with the Divine....

Inner Security

The habit of controlling others is an expression of selfishness. When I feel insecure, I become self-absorbed and I want things to be the way that makes me most comfortable. I experience emotional instability when I build my sense of security on external conditions...

Living from the Inside Out: Life in the Spiritual Lane (Podcast)

Join Anne-Marie McElrone to explore today's current themes through a spiritual lens. Hosted by the Brahma Kumaris Halifax Click here for the series.

Oasis of Peace and Tranquility

An oasis is defined as a fertile spot in the desert where water is found. It is a haven for weary travelers looking for relief. Life in our busy world can leave us feeling just as parched. Can we find the oasis within? That still place inside us where we find rest and...

Values in Healthcare: Empathy/ Sympathy

In episode 88 of the Values in Heathcare series, sisters Tanya and Judi Rich explore the topic of Empathy/Sympathy in conversation...drawing on personal experiences. Click here to enjoy.